used gear source

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used gear source

Post by gbraun »

does anyone have any experience with Sailorman in Lauderdale? I will be in Florida the end of May, a couple of hours away. Have a long list of parts, pumps, fittings, etc to get for my Islander 32 refit. Is it worth the trip? Anywhere else in Florida? I've heard there is a place in St Petersburg also.
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Ceasar Choppy
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Re: used gear source

Post by Ceasar Choppy »

I go to Sailorman about once a month in the winter months. Their prices are not necessarily that great, but they will haggle which makes up for it. There's a lot of junk, but their pump and exhaust parts are not too bad and the staff is friendly and helpful. You really have to see it for yourself. I find it hit or miss, but it all depends on what you are looking for.

I've heard the place in St. Augustine is a good one, but I haven't been through there lately to check it out.
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Re: used gear source

Post by The Froon »

Just took a drive down to the Sailor's Exchange ( St. Augustine ) last is worth a walk through.

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