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Posting pictures to the forum

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 11:10 am
by Shark

How do I post a picture along with a response or other posting to the forum? I can't find instructions on this site.

Is it posssible to attach an image, as with an email, or is it necessary to include a hyperlink to a picture hosted elsewhere?

What would be a recommended size (eg 50KB) of file if attachement is feasible?


Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:45 pm
by Tim
This software does not support attached images, so the image must be hosted somewhere online in order to view.

To add a link to an Internet image that you'd like included in your message, in Windows, right click on the image (or whatever you Mac users do) and choose "Properties". Then, highlight the URL given in the Properties box, right click, and copy.

Then, in this forum, click on the "Img" button found in the toolbar above the message box. This inserts HTML in the message ([img]).%20%20Then,%20paste%20or%20type%20the%20photo%20url%20(example:%20%20,%20and%20click%20in%20"Img"%20again%20to%20close%20the%20HTML,%20or%20simply%20type[/img].

I find it easier to simply type in the basic HTML. Each image URL must be surrounded by [img]at%20the%20beginning%20(including%20the%20brackets),%20and%20must%20be%20ended%20with[/img].

If you have a photo that you'd like to include that is not currently hosted online, please feel free to attach it in an email to me and I'll be happy to publish it online, then send you the proper URL, or simply post it in this forum for you.

I hope this is clear. Once you've done it once, it's easy. We'll all excuse any erroneous posts if something doesn't work out. But to test, you can always click "preview" to see if the photo has been included properly before submitting the response.


Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 3:52 pm
by Shark

Thanks for the information. I tried it out in the Classic Sailboats section. I think it worked.
