How/where is Plastic Classic hosted?

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How/where is Plastic Classic hosted?

Post by svMira »

I"m part of a Siren 17 group that is on the Yahoo Groups platform that his soon to be mothballed. Was wondering if what ever Plastic Classics has figured out would be an option to offer that group. Where and how is the Plastic Classic forum hosted and managed?
Marvin - s/v Mira - 1971 Pearson Wanderer #174
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Re: How/where is Plastic Classic hosted?

Post by atomvoyager »

I sent a PM to Kurt (CapnK) our webmaster so he should reply here. Or you can email him at sailorkurt (at) gmail.
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Re: How/where is Plastic Classic hosted?

Post by CapnK »

Mira - Apologies for the late reply, I hadn't checked in lately. Hope I'm not too late!

There are a number of companies out there which offer hosting, the best (lately ;) ) budget host IMO is Namecheap. They seem to be running their own ship, whereas most of the others in that category (HostGator, BlueHost, Surpass, etc) are actually owned by one or two giant companies, and suffered in quality of their offerings after they became just another subsidiary.

The software PCF uses is called phpBB, it is a good mature, if slightly complex, package. A bit easier to use out of the box is SImple Machines Forum (or SMF), as it doesn't have the granularity of control and options that phpBB does. They are 6 of one, half dozen of another, really, and whichever you use you'll have to learn a bit. :)

How many members does the Group have, and how active are they? I could probably make a space for y'all. Is Yahoo offering any way for you to pull your archives?
Kurt and Barque, the CrewDog.
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Re: How/where is Plastic Classic hosted?

Post by svMira »

Thanks for the reply. No problem on the delay, I had actually long forgot about it. I mentioned us/this place to them and got a mildly 'epic' reply. Quite a 'determined' individual that had already made up his mind what was best. It takes all kinds. He's kept the group up through many platform migrations and was already committed to
I appreciate the generous offer.
Marvin - s/v Mira - 1971 Pearson Wanderer #174
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