Chartplotter - Where to mount?

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Chartplotter - Where to mount?

Post by svMira »

Where is the perfect place to mount a chartplotter on a plastic classic?

Okay, I know the 'perfect' is that question is ridiculous, but I'm trying to figure out where I would put one if I were to get a larger screen and I don't know where. Right now I'm using a tiny Garmin handheld GPS. I don't like that it uses up a hand to grab it and look at it. Sometimes I want to see a detail and have to 'go get it' from across the cockpit only to have it slide away on me again when I put it down.

I really want something that will read my depth and chart it in real time as good charts don't exist for Lake Winnipeg. (The newest chart has notes on it like "Channel was dredged in 1953." Not useful.)
- I solo, either actually or essentially. I have a wheel right now, but aren't married to it. Plan to sail a lot by autopilot, so I'd rather not have it on a pod on the wheel.
- Not crazy about the back of the cabin as it is very vertical and that's where my instruments are.
- Really don't like the swing-arm in the companion way. I don't want to be limited to having to have that open in order to see my maps.
I'm more than a little stumped. And, in all my boat pic browsing on the web, I haven't come across anything that was that 'eureka!' install.
Marvin - s/v Mira - 1971 Pearson Wanderer #174
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Re: Chartplotter - Where to mount?

Post by CapnK »

I saw one boat that ran their plotter thru a TV mounted on the main bulkhead. As it was like 27", it was very visible from the cockpit.
While I don't plan to have a TV in my boat, I have been considering a Pi-based computer system and that would include a monitor, large enough to see from outside...

How about a RAM mount, so the head unit is removable?
Kurt and Barque, the CrewDog.
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Re: Chartplotter - Where to mount?

Post by atomvoyager »

Since I want to be able to operate the plotter from inside or out the best solution I've found is the RAM swing mount. If your only complaint is that you want to have the companionway closed off sometimes to keep weather out then that isn't a problem if you have plexiglas drop boards, which you want anyway for visibility. You swing the plotter right up to the boards when you want to view from the cockpit in foul weather. When you need to make a plotter adjustment you just slide the hatch open for a moment to reach the display.
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