Surveyor near Weymouth, MA?

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Deck Grunge Scrubber
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Surveyor near Weymouth, MA?

Post by charlesadan »

I didn't know if this belongs here as a "source" or in general Q&A - if the post needs to be moved or if it's not appropriate at all, that's fine.

I'm looking for a surveyor in Massachusetts, preferably one who knows a lot about plastic classics. The boat is a 1985 Laser 28, and I'd be looking for particular attention to the usual suspects: core issues, rigging integrity, chainplates, etc.

I am located in NYC and haven't been able to visit the boat myself, but the photos were compelling enough to convince me to go ahead with a survey.

Aside from specific recommendations, best practices for selecting a surveyor would also be appreciated.

If you do have specific recommendations, perhaps it would be best to send them as a private message rather than a general reply.

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Re: Surveyor near Weymouth, MA?

Post by barrybrown »

It is always risky to recommend anyone but this surveyor impressed me enough that I am willing to recommend him.
When I sold my last boat the buyer hired Peter Hunt 508-285-4984 to do the survey. The survey lasted about 8 hours and from my perspective it was absolute torture to have someone go over every detail of a boat that I had spent hundreds of hours rebuilding. It was the most thorough survey I have seen, so good that I kept his name and used him when I had an insurance survey done on my current boat. I didn't use him because he was easy but because he was thorough and would likely find some things that I may have overlooked. It is always a good idea clearly define your concerns before hiring anyone I suspect the buyer of my last boat was very specific about what he was looking for with a survey.

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