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Catch y'all on the other side...

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:29 pm
by dasein668
I'm leaving tomorrow (Monday 7/23) for my cruise. Penobscot, Jericho, and Frenchman Bays, primarily. I'll "see" you all when I get back, around August 17.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:23 pm
by MikeD
Have a great trip! Envious doesn't begin to describe...

Maybe we'll pass each other Nathan.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:38 am
by Tom Young
We're headed out thursday for Block Island. I hope to cross the Gulf of Maine on friday and may be in Tenants Harbor (or somewhere else in the mouth of Penobscot Bay) thursday night.

As usual, the wind direction appears to be our rhumb line from Monhegan to Provencetown. I expect that and as long as it stays under 15knots, we'll snap a line on the chart and go. Anymore wind than that and I'll have to take short hops. We have two girls that have the same ear. It has to be fun for everybody.

We'll be returning on the 12th of August (school sports start) after some cruising between Block, Cuttyhunk, Nantucket, MV to name a few favorites. Have a nice trip downeast.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:42 am
by CharlieJ
Hope you had a ball.

We're getting the boat ready for Laura to take a multi day cruise single hand. Hopefully leaving this Wednesday for a trip down to Port Aransas or thereabouts.

Unfortunately I have boat work that MUST be done and a client coming in later this week so I can't go along. Besides, she's way up for doing a cruise by herself.

And is perfectly capable of doing so.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:50 am
by Rachel
Hiya Charlie,

Be sure to let Laura know she's welcome to "stop by" and post a cruise report when she gets back. I know I don't even have to mention photos ;-)

Good sailing, Laura! (And everyone else out cruising, too.)
