Checking Sheaves

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Jason K
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Checking Sheaves

Post by Jason K »

The yard my boat is in wants to pull the rig to replace the halyards. Umm, I don't think so.

The existing set up is wire-to-rope halyards. I will be switching to all rope.

So, how do I know if my existing sheaves will accomodate all rope halyards? Will it be fairly obvious just by looking at them? I would hate to put up new halyards just to have them jam or quickly chafe.

Also, how do you safely go to the masthead in a fractional rig boat? I guess I could rig a safety line from a jib halyard and fall a little bit farther if I'm in the slip. But what do I do if there is an issue with the main halyard? I've always sailed masthead boats and this just occurred to me.
- Jason King (formerly #218)
J/30 Rambunctious
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Ceasar Choppy
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Post by Ceasar Choppy »

Re the sheaves:

Check the inside width of the sheaves... it will also have a groove in the sheave fore the wire. As long as your rope is bigger than the inside groove (so as not to get jammed in it) and smaller than the inside width of the sheave, you should be OK.

If I had to guess, I would say 3/8" line would probably work for you. It also is the smallest you would want that would still have a decent hand to it.

Re climbing the mast:

Is there a spinnaker halyard? Use that.
If not, those ATN topclimbers use a fixed line hoisted to the masthead and might be an option.
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Post by Summersdawn »

If there is room, it might be a good time to add a spare halyard. It would suck to have a cruise/race stopped short because of a jammed halyard, skyed halyard, etc.
Summer's Dawn
24 San Juan #380

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